
Confirm your choice

1 Step 1

Confirm your choice

Your chosen option is shown below. To submit this to our Mortgage Team, please press ‘submit’.

If you have chosen to product switch or for us to contact you about your options, we’ll be in touch in the coming days. 

If you’ve opted not to switch, you will automatically move onto the Society’s Standard Variable rate (SVR) on the maturity date of your current deal.

For full details on how we use your information please refer to our privacy policy.

Calculating my repayments

To understand how the product switch options might impact your monthly mortgage repayment, you can enter the details we provided in your recent communication on our mortgage calculator.

I’ve chosen to switch – what happens next?

In the days after submitting this form, you’ll receive a European Standardised Information Sheet (ESIS) or similar information sheet by email. It will confirm the full details of the new product you have selected. 

Please read it carefully to make sure it correctly reflects your chosen product and that all parties to the mortgage have reviewed it. 

For more help
If you would like any further help or if you need to update your decision, please email

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