Authorised Push Payment (APP) Scam - what are we doing in response

Market Harborough Building Society has been keeping our members’ money safe for over 150 years. We are committed to helping protect our members from fraud and scams, and we are here to support should you ever be targeted.

From 7th October 2024, new regulatory requirements will come into place to refund members who become the victim of an APP scam. These protections will apply to UK Faster Payments and CHAPS payments made on or after 7th October 2024.

Whilst payments from our members savings accounts are usually only made to their nominated bank, customers can be confident that if an electronic payment is sent from their savings account, they may be eligible to claim a refund through the new Rules.

For more information, please speak to one of our colleagues who will be happy to provide further guidance either by calling us on 01858 412412 or speaking to one of our branch colleagues.

In line with the Rules requirement the Society will be updating its savings terms and conditions on 7th Jan 2025.

Types of Scams

Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police. They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment. Stop and think. It could protect you and your money.


Take a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information. It could keep you safe.


Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

If you are unsure if a call is from your bank hang up and dial 159 to speak directly to your bank.


Contact us immediately if you think you’ve been scammed and report it to Action Fraud or on 0330 123 2040.

Types of scams to be aware of;

Doorstep scams

Doorstep scams

A cold-caller may offer you a service you don’t really need. Such as claiming to have noticed something on your property that needs work or improvement, such as the roof tiles, and offer to fix them for cash or an inflated price

How to spot a doorstep scam:

1 Someone knocks on your door that you weren’t expecting warning that there’s a problem with your property such as your roof or driveway that needs to be fixed without delay

2 You’re asked to make a payment upfront for work to be carried out

3 You’re convinced to go to your bank branch and withdraw money whilst they prepare to do the work

4 Additional problems are identified when work begins for which additional money is needed immediately.

For more information and examples of doorstep scams, visit the Take Five to Stop Fraud website

Stay one step ahead:

Don’t feel pressured. Never agree to hand over money at the door. Take time to think about it before making a decision and talk to someone you trust.

Only let someone into your home if you’re expecting them or they’re a trusted friend, family member or professional. Don’t feel embarrassed about turning someone away, its your home and your choice.

Check their credentials. You should always check someone’s credentials – a genuine person/tradesperson won’t mind. You can phone the company they represent or check online.  Don’t ever use the contact details they give you.

Take the time to think about any offer they provide, even if it’s genuine. Don’t be embarrassed to say no, ask for time or ask them to leave.

Never disclose your PIN or hand over your bank card, financial information or withdraw cash when asked.

Call 999 if you feel immediately threatened or in danger. Call the police non-emergency number 101 to report the incident if you’re not in immediate danger.

Holiday scams

From fake caravan listings to ‘amazing’ holidays/flight deals, holiday scams are common.

Holiday cancellation refund scams:

Having your flights or holidays cancelled is stressful, even more so when you’re looking for a refund. Criminals use these opportunities to defraud people. This can happen through phishing emails, ‘spoofed’ calls or via social media.

Holiday booking scams:

Make sure you research fully your accommodation, flights and holiday package. Criminals set up fake websites offering great deals to get your money and personal information. Websites may look like that of a genuine organisation but with very subtle changes. The site may send you away from secure payment channels to fake unsecure payment pages. The tickets advertised may be fake or not even exist in the first place.

You may also get emails advertising amazing offers or great prices for package holidays or flights. When you click the link you’re directed to a fake website designed to get your personal and financial information.

Stay one step ahead:

Be suspicious of any offers or prices that are “too good to be true”. If it’s at an amazing price, ask yourself why?

Do your research before making any purchases by reading independent reviews. Before booking accommodation ask what checks the agent has made. Check the address/property exists through web searches and online maps.

Where possible, book direct with an established hotel or through a reputable travel company.

Always access the website you’re purchasing from by typing it into your web browser. The website will use the padlock symbol to show the site is secure.

Read the terms before making a booking to confirm precisely what you’re buying.

Always use the secure payment options recommended by reputable online travel agents.

Use a credit card when making a purchase over £100 and up to £30,000 as you will receive added protection.

Don’t click on links or attachments in emails or in social media posts.

Question all uninvited deals and contact companies directly to confirm a booking.

Only give out your financial information to trusted services.

When a website looks suspicious you should report it to the National Cyber Security Centre.

For more information and advice about scams, visit the Take Five to Stop Fraud website

Impersonation scams

The scam:

You give financial details or make a payment to someone who claims to be from a trusted organisation. This could include the police, a bank/building society, a delivery company or a government department.

Often these scams begin with a phone call, text or email that appears to be from a trusted organisation. Criminals can use a tactic called ‘spoofing’ to make their call or text appear to be genuine. Spoofing clones the number or sender ID displayed on your phone. Criminals will even trick you by sending genuine couriers to collect cards, PINs or other valuables.

Criminals will also use social media to contact people. They even pretend to be friends, relatives and colleagues. If you receive a text from someone asking for money, stop and think. If you can’t speak to them in person, it could be a scam.

How to spot an impersonation scam

  • You get a call, text, email or message with an urgent request for information, to make a payment or to move money.
  • You’re asked to act urgently. This might include a claim ‘your money is at risk’ or ‘your account will be blocked’. The message might threaten arrest or claim financial loss if you don’t act immediately
  • The sender’s credentials are very slightly different to that of the genuine sender.


Stay one step ahead:

Most companies are unlikely to ask you to transfer money or and extremely unlikely to contact you to ask for your full PIN or a password.

Only give your financial information to services you are expecting to ask for them.

Always contact your bank or an organisation directly, using a known email or phone number or securely when logged in.

Never give anyone remote access to your computer following a cold call or unsolicited text.

You can forward suspicious emails to and also report suspected scam texts by forwarding to 7726.

Remember, HMRC won’t notify you or ask for your information via emails, texts or phone calls.

You can forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to and texts to 60599.

If you’re unsure whether it’s a scam, check  and their list of recognised scams.

If there’s a site you think is suspicious, report it to the National Cyber Security Centre

For more information and examples of this scam, visit the Take Five to Stop Fraud website

Investment scams

The scam:

Criminals convince people to invest their money in commodities. These commodities can include for example property, gold or cryptocurrencies. The commodities then turn out to be non-existent or worthless.


Scammers draw people in by:

Approaching them directly to offer an amazing investment opportunity

Placing enticing ads on social media and the web

Using celebrity images or the logo of a genuine company to make the ads look legitimate

Placing sponsored links in search results to attract people to their websites.

Criminals copy genuine trends to attract more victims. An example of this is the popularity of cryptocurrencies which led to more fraudsters posing as cryptocurrency traders.


How to spot an investment scam:

Someone contacts you out of the blue to offer an amazing investment opportunity

They put you under pressure to make a quick decision about an limited investment

Someone offers to invest in cryptocurrency on your behalf.

Names or logos appear to be similar to well-known companies, with a small often unnoticeable variation.

Stay one step ahead:

Be ScamSmart. The FCA’s ScamSmart service is a free and helpful tool anyone can use to check if an investment is genuine.

Check if it’s a real company by viewing their details on the FCA’s Financial Services Register

Take your time. Remember you can take as much time as you need to think about and research an investment opportunity. Only scams will try to rush you

Seek advice. If you’re thinking of making an investment, consider getting independent professional advice

Stay in control. Never allow anyone to remotely access your computer, phone or other devices.

Remember. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is and it’s probably a scam

Report it. If you think you may have fallen victim to a scam, call us and make a report to Action Fraud.

Invoice and Mandate scams

The scam:

This is when criminals pose as a service or supplier you regularly pay money to. They then give you new bank account details to send the payment to, which is actually their account your sending the money to not the service or supplier. The criminals often intercept emails or gain access to a supplier’s email account.

How to spot an invoice and mandate scam:


  • An existing service provider gives you new bank details
  • You receive duplicate or more frequent invoices than normal for a product or service.


Stay one step ahead:

Confirm the service providers bank details with the company before paying using an advertised number

When paying someone for the first time, transfer a small amount first and check they received it

Send confirmation to the service provider once you have paid their invoice

Always question changes in payment information by contacting them on advertised numbers

Be careful what you share on social media as criminals may use this information to target you.

For more information and examples of this scam, visit the Take Five to Stop Fraud website

Payment in Advance scams

The scam:

Also known as an advance fee scam. This is when you’re convinced to pay an upfront fee to receive a prize, service, high value goods or loan that isn’t genuine.

How to spot a payment in advance scam:


  • You’re asked to pay an upfront fee to receive money, a prize, services or goods that you weren’t expecting.
  • You’ve applied for a job but you’re asked to pay an upfront fee for a training programme or background check.
  • You’re told that a deposit or an administrative charge is refundable.
  • There are additional follow-up fees you need to pay.
  • You are pressured to pay quickly.
  • The domain name doesn’t exactly match that of the sender of the email e.g. govuk instead of


Stay one step ahead:

Question claims that you’re due to pay money for goods or services that you haven’t ordered or are unaware of.

It’s extremely unlikely that you’ve won something that you haven’t entered a prize draw.

Check the email addresses of a potential employer to ensure they’re genuine.  Research them.

Confirm that any organisation that contacts you is legitimate. Check them on Companies House and use the details provided to contact them directly. You can also check their website is genuine by checking the web address that they’ve registered.

Be wary of fake profiles on social media such as LinkedIn, as they could be offering jobs that don’t exist.  Do your research.

If you find a job scam, you can report it to JobsAware using their online reporting tool.

 If a website seems suspicious, you can report it to the National Cyber Security Centre.

Purchase scams

The scam:

Online shopping has given criminals the opportunity to trick people into paying for goods that don’t exist. These items are often advertised via social media or auction sites with stolen images. Criminals also use cloned websites to trick you into thinking you’re on a genuine website. They may ask for payment up front, before delivery and send you fake receipts and invoices.

How to spot a potential purchase scam:

  • You’re offered a heavily discounted or cheap service. The deal sounds and is too good to be true
  • You’re asked to pay by bank transfer instead of using a credit or debit card via the online platform’s secure payment options
  • You receive a fake email receipt or invoice that appears to be from the website you’ve purchased from but the email address domain doesn’t match that of the genuine senders
  • The website that you’re purchasing from was only launched a short time before.


Stay one step ahead:

Always be suspicious of any “too good to be true” offers or prices.

Use the a secure payment method as recommended by reputable online retailers and auction sites.

Use a credit card for purchases as you will receive added protection under the Credit Consumer Act.

Read independent online reviews to check websites and sellers are genuine.

Looks at a brand’s official website and only buy from the list of authorised sellers.

Always access the website you’re purchasing from by typing it yourself into your web browser.

Always ensure you click ‘log out’ or ‘sign out’ of any websites your registered on.

If you’re looking for a pet, buy it directly from a reputable breeder or consider adopting from a rescue centre instead.

If a website looks suspicious you can report it to the National Cyber Security Centre.

For more information and examples of purchase scams, visit the Take Five to Stop Fraud website

QR (Quishing) scams

The scam:

A fraudster creates a fake QR code to take you to a fraudulent website. On the website you are encouraged to enter information that they can use to steal your identity and/or to defraud you. For instance they may ask you for personal information, or your bank account login or credit card details.


Stay one step ahead:

Before scanning a QR code in an email or letter make sure you trust the organisation that’s sent it to you and you have an idea where the code is taking you to. If in any doubt, don’t enter any personal information into the site.

If a QR code on a poster, advert or leaflet looks to have been tampered with, or stuck on over the top of an original one, don’t scan it.

If you have visited a website you think is suspicious, you can report it to the National Cyber Security Centre.

Romance scams

The scam:

You’re convinced to make a payment to a person you’ve met online through social media, dating sites, apps or games. Criminals use fake profiles to build up a relationship with you. This is known as catfishing. Criminals will even look on social media to create fake identities to target you. They will also look at profiles for anyone that is ‘widowed’ or divorced’.


The scammer often goes to great lengths to gain your friendship, trust and convince you you’re in a relationship. This will all happen before the criminal appeals to your compassionate side to ask for money. They will use language to manipulate, persuade and exploit you. These requests might be emotive. The criminal may claim they need money to pay for transport costs to visit you or for urgent medical care for themselves or a family member.

Stay one step ahead:


  • You’ve met someone online and they declare feelings for you after a few conversation
  • They suggest moving the conversation away from social media to a more private channel
  • Their profile on the dating website or social media isn’t consistent
  • There are errors/inconsistencies in their stories
  • They refuse to video call or meet you in person they make claims such as their camera isn’t working
  • Photos generally tend to be from other people
  • You have not met them face-to-face and you’re asked to send money to someone. They may even ask you to provide them with access to your bank account or card.


Stay one step ahead:

Avoid sending money to someone you’ve never met in person, also if you have only recently met

Research the person you’re talking to, as profile photos may not be genuine. You can do this by uploading a picture of the person you’re talking to into your search engine. Performing a reverse image search can find photos taken from somewhere else and may reveal the photo is of someone else.

Be alert to spelling and grammar mistakes and inconsistencies in stories

Stay on the dating site’s messaging service until you’re confident the person is definitely who they say they are

Always consider the possibility of a it being a scam

Only accept friend requests from people you already know and trust

Speak to your family or friends to get advice.

APP Scam Reimbursement

Protect Yourself from APP Scams – don’t be a victim

The Society encourages all customers to add their own bank account details to their MHBS savings account as the safest way of withdrawing money from your savings account when you need to.

Whilst we believe this is the safest way, as all payments are moved to an account in your own name, we also recognise its important for our customers to understand the risks of fraud when moving money electronically from one account to another.

We’ve included details of several websites and phone numbers at the end of this page that may be of help to you in understanding the risks of fraud, reporting fraud and getting help after you’ve been a victim of fraud.   We hope you’ll never be a victim of fraud and to assist with this we include below some pointers that we hope will help you stay safe.

Confirmation of Payee (CoP)

The Society subscribes to the Confirmation of Payee (CoP) scheme as a valuable way of offering customer protection when sending payments to your MHBS account.

CoP is a name checking service which helps provide assurance that electronic payments are being sent to the personal or business account you intended them to go to. It has been designed to help avoid accidental, misdirected payments being sent to the wrong account, as well as providing an additional layer of protection in the fight against fraud and scams. 

CoP helps make sure you are sending money to the right account. It provides you with a check that the name on an account matches that of the intended recipient before you make the payment. That way you can have confidence that you know you’re sending money to the account you intend it to go to. 

When sending money to your savings account with the Society, please ensure you use the following details:

Sort code: 20-49-16

Account number: 70608386

Roll/Reference number: [Your personal 11-digit Society account number excluding spaces, dots or dashes]

Name:  Your full name (including first names)

Type of account:  Personal

The CoP service will confirm if the name and account details match.  If they don’t, you’ll either be advised of a close match, no match or that the system is unable to check.  If you don’t get a match, we advise you not to make the payment and contact us for further guidance.

More information on CoP can be found here

As vigilant as we all may be these things do sometimes happen, if you ever send money electronically to another person or company and believe as a result you have been a victim of fraud you can report this to the financial organisation from where you sent the money.

Whilst we usually only send money to your nominated bank account MHBS is a member of the APP (Automated Push Payment) Scam Reimbursement scheme and you can therefore report directly to us if you believe money you have sent from your MHBS account to an account in someone else’s name was part of a fraud.

To report a transaction please call us immediately on 01858 412412, send an email to or send a Message using the Online Service. We’ll ask you a series of questions to determine if the payment meets the criteria for the claim and capture your responses to ensure we have all the information, please also have your crime number to hand.

APP Scam Claim criteria;

APP Scam Claim criteria:

The reimbursement requirement applies to individuals, microenterprises and charities, where an APP scam payment is made using Faster Payments or CHAPS in the UK and sent to a relevant account in the UK (relevant account means an account that is provided to a customer, is held in the UK and can send or receive payments using the Faster Payments or CHAPS)

There are some exceptions to this which include the following:

Payments made to an account the customer controls, or payments that are not authorised by the consumer (‘unauthorised payments’)

First party fraud (fraud directly by the customer)

Gross negligence – Customers should demonstrate they have followed the consumer standard of caution (see below)

Time exclusions (e.g. claims made before 7 October 2024 and APP claims submitted more than 13 months after the final payment to the fraudster)

Civil disputes – such as where a customer has paid a legitimate supplier for goods or services but has not received them or are defective, or the customer is dissatisfied with the supplier

Payments between the Society’s accounts are also not covered by the reimbursement scheme.

(a full list can be found in the Society’s terms and conditions)

Consumer Standard of Caution for Authorised Push Payments

This Consumer Standard of Caution outlines the actions you, as a customer, are expected to take to protect yourself from Authorised Push Payment scams, as defined by the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR). Please refer to our General Savings Terms and Conditions for details. 

Before Making an APP Payment:

  • Verify the recipient’s details: Double-check the name and account details of the intended recipient. Don’t rely solely on information received through emails, texts, or social media messages. Contact the recipient directly through a trusted channel (e.g., phone number you know is correct) to confirm their payment details.
  • Be wary of unsolicited payment requests: Scammers often initiate contact, urging you to make an urgent payment. Be cautious of unexpected requests, especially from unfamiliar sources.
  • Do your research: If unsure about the legitimacy of a payment request, conduct your own research. Don’t rely solely on information provided by the person requesting payment.

During the APP Payment Process:

  • Use trusted channels: Make APP payments only through secure platforms provided by your Payment Service Provider (PSP). Avoid making payments through links or forms embedded in emails or messages.
  • Review transaction details: Carefully review all information before confirming an APP payment. Pay close attention to the recipient’s name and account details.
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA): Enable strong passwords and MFA for your online accounts to add an extra layer of security.

After Making an APP Payment:

  • Monitor your account: Regularly check your account activity for any unauthorized transactions. Report any suspicious activity to your PSP immediately.
  • Report suspected scams: If you believe you’ve been a victim of an APP scam, report it to your PSP promptly. Delaying a report can affect your ability to recover funds.

Additional Considerations:

  • Never share personal or financial information: Don’t share your banking details, passwords, or one-time codes with anyone, including family and those claiming to be from your PSP or a legitimate organization.
  • Be cautious of emotional manipulation: Scammers often use urgency or pressure tactics to rush you into making a payment. Take your time and don’t be afraid to say no if something feels suspicious.
  • Stay informed: Stay updated on common APP scams and how to avoid them. You can find information from trusted sources like your PSP, the PSR, and reputable financial institutions.


To report a transaction please call us immediately on 01858 412412, send an email to or send a Message using the Online Service. We’ll ask you a series of questions to determine if the payment meets the criteria for the claim and capture your responses to ensure we have all the information, please also have your crime number to hand.

Once we have all the information needed, we will record your claim on a centralised system and share the necessary information with the financial institution that received the payment.

Charge for making a claim

You may be charged by the sending financial institution for ach claim you make.

The Society does not currently charge when you make a claim, although we reserve the right to do so.


Once we have reviewed your APP Scam reimbursement claim if you are not happy with the outcome of the claim you are free to register a complaint with us.

Please see our How to complain for more full details.