PLANETSAVER 150 Day Notice Account
Take simple steps towards a greener future!

Charity PlanetSaver 150 Day Notice Account
This account is suitable for charities that can give 150 days’ notice to access their funds.
In consideration of this product, the Society shall pay 0.50% to ekko, for ekko to distribute to green initiatives.
Of this 0.50%, ekko passes 0.45% to its partners who deliver the green initiatives, and retains 0.05%.
This is in addition to the Interest Rate paid to you on the deposit.
– 150 days’ notice for withdrawals, even with a penalty early withdrawals are not allowed
– Save between £25,000 – £500,000
– Interest paid annually on 31 October
Click the button to download a copy of the Application Form. This will need to be printed off and returned to FREEPOST MARKET HARBOROUGH BUILDING SOCIETY
Product Terms & Conditions – Summary Box
Minimum balance | Gross*/AER**% |
£25,000+ | 3.80 |
Please see Additional Information section for details of our green partnership.
Interest is calculated daily and may be visible on your account from the 24th of the month.
This won’t be available to you until the due date of the last working day of the applicable month. If the balance of the account falls below the minimum of £25,000, the lowest rate in our easy access range will apply until the minimum balance is reached again.
*Interest is paid without tax deducted. Some savers will be required to pay tax on savings interest; this should be arranged directly with HMRC through your tax return.
**AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and added once each year.
The interest rate is variable which means we can increase or decrease the rate at any time.
For more details about why we may change the rate, and how and when we will let you know about a change, please refer to the Interest section of the General Savings Account Terms and Conditions.
This projection is for illustrative purposes only.
If £25,000 was deposited on 1 November, the account balance would be £25,950.00 on 31 October the following year.
This assumes no further deposits or withdrawals are made, no changes are made to the interest rate and interest earned is added to the account.
This account is available to open via post or in branch and can be managed Online or in branch.
You must fund the account within ten days of opening. You can fund the account multiple times during this period.
You must be a permanent UK resident and aged 18 or over.
You can pay into your account by electronic payment, cash or cheque.
The minimum balance is £25,000 and the maximum balance is £500,000 per charity (£1m joint).
Customers may hold more than one Charity PlanetSaver 150 Day Notice Account, but the maximum holding across all accounts with the Society is £500,000 per charity.
Withdrawals, transfers or closure can be completed online, in branch or by post and are subject to 150 days’ written notice, even with a penalty early withdrawals are not allowed.
This product may be withdrawn from sale at any time without notice.
We reserve the right to close your account and return the funds to you.
We may prohibit further deposits into this product at any time. When we do this, we will update the relevant section within the ‘Current interest rates for withdrawn products’ page of We will not personally notify you when we do this.
In the event of any apparent conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the General Savings Terms and Conditions, these Product Terms and Conditions take precedence.
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay compensation to depositors if a building society is unable to meet its financial obligations.
“PlanetSaver Product” means the planet saver product which seeks to promote green initiatives and as communicated by the Society.
“Ekko” means Enviroconomy Limited (trading as ‘ekko’), a company registered in England and Wales with company number 12338538 whose registered office is at 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX
In consideration of the provision of the PlanetSaver Product, the Society shall pay 0.50% to Ekko for Ekko to distribute to green initiatives. Of this 0.50%, ekko passes 0.45% to its partners who deliver the green initiatives, and retains 0.05%.
This is in addition to the Interest Rate paid to you on the deposit.