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New: Product end dates

Set end dates now apply to our fixed and discounted variable rate deals. Find out what this means for you and your clients here.

Our fixed and discounted rate mortgage deals now have end dates that will reset every three months, at the start of January, April, July and October. You can keep up to date with current product end dates in our latest product guide

Lifetime discount products and our bridging finance solutions are unaffected.

Our set product end dates will be:

– 31 March
– 30 June
– 30 September
– 31 December
This change enhances the overall journey for customers who may wish to switch product at the end of their deal. They can choose to move onto a new deal on 1st of the following month, with no need to revert to our Standard Variable Rate.

Updating your clients’ chosen product

Changing your clients’ product prior to completion will require a product change request and usual fees will apply. This includes scenarios where a new product with a different end date becomes available before the clients’ mortgage completes. For more help with this please talk to your Specialist Business Development Manager on 01858 412345.

Product switching at the end of a deal

If your client is approaching the end of an existing deal period, visit our product switch page for more information about the options available and how we pay a 0.30% procuration fee on both residential and let cases.

Get in touch 

If you’d like more information, please get in touch with our Broker Team by calling 01858 412345 or emailing

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